- Entered the Union: December 12, 1787
- Capital: Harrisburg
- Origin of Name: In honor of Admiral Sir William Penn, father of William Penn. It means “Penn's Woodland.”
- State Nickname: Keystone State
- State Motto: Virtue, liberty, and independence
- National Forest: 1 • State Forests: 20 • State Parks: 116 • State Game Lands: 294
- Famous For: Valley Forge, Gettysburg, Liberty Bell, Independence Hall
- State Flower: Mountain Laurel
- State Bird: Ruffed Grouse
- State Song: "Pennsylvania"
- State Tree: Hemlock
- State Mammal: Whitetail deer
- State Fish: Brook Trout
- State Insect: Firefly
- State Fossil: The Trilobite
- State Ship: United States Brig Niagara
- State Plant: Penngift Crownvetch
- State Beverage: Milk
- State Dog: Great Dane
- State Natural Resources: coal, limestone, oil, natural gas, sand, stone, gravel
- State Colors: Blue and Gold
- State Aircraft: Piper J-3 Cub